


Translation is like 
A newly-cut garment draped on a dressmaker's dummy.
The finishing touches on a sculpture.
The light in a restored painting.
Translators are not artists, they are craftspeople: artisans who work with words.
Artists create, while artisans adjust. But at times they do their job so well that they improve on the original.
If we were living in the Renaissance, perhaps we could even think of ourselves as artists.
Sculpting language like Michelangelo sculpted marble. Not a vein of the wrist, not a curve of the cheekbone can escape our chisel.
We must know how to faithfully portray reality, even when reality itself seems unfaithful. Our text is reality, and treacherous as it may be, we will continue to serve it loyally.
This is our gift, and this is our curse.
We can never afford to slip up.
Artists aren't expected to always be precise. Artisans are.
Artists aren't expected to always be perfect. Artisans are.
Artists are forgiven their mistakes. Artisans aren't. Because their job is to polish away every flaw.
Artists are brilliant, creative, quirky; artists are pioneers gazing at the horizon, looking for universal languages, speaking to the world.
Artisans are precise, respectful, meticulous, and focused. Artisans don't gaze at the horizon, they peer at the details. They aren't creative, they're conscientious. They don't look for universal languages, because their world is limited to what's right in front of them, what needs them. Artisans are patient and methodical. Great artists can create something just once in their lives, and still be artists. Artisans must pick up the tools of their trade every single day. Otherwise they aren't worthy of their craft.
Artists -whether intentionally or not - deal with the universal ground of human emotion. Artisans cultivate patience - whether loving or long-suffering - for the one thing at hand, then and there.
Artists bare their souls. Artisans bear their burden.. […]

By: Federica D'Alessio - Translator

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